Toei’s Tokusatsu Museum Serves Kamen Rider Steamed Buns


The Toei Hero World Museum’s Hero World Cafe now offers up new tokusatsu-themed foods for their patrons, featuring Kamen Rider steamed buns shaped as Kamen Rider helmets.

The menu includes two meat bun variations, Rider 1, pictured at the top, and Riderman, a Shocker curry bun, and Gaim shaped orange chocolate cake; all 400 yen each.



Hero World Cafe also offers “Gaburinchurros,” Kyoryuger-themed churros named after the “Gaburincho” sound that plays when the Kyoryugers transform. They’re 500 yen and come in five different sugar coating colors, one for each member of the core Kyoryuger team . It’s advertised with the tag line “Taste is too Brave. I want to dance samba unintentionally.” 


In addition, there is Hero Popcorn available that comes in a salted or caramel flavor, for 1000 yen each. Keep the bucket and popcorn refills are available at a discounted 300 yen.


Lastly, Hero World Cafe tops it off with a Gaim Hero Smoothie in orange flavor for 400 yen.


A video highlighting the new food offerings was posted on YouTube as seen below.

The Toei’s Hero World Museum is located in Chiba at the Aeon Mall Makuhari New City.

Sources: Official Toei Hero World, Gaimuch YouTube, Anime News Network

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